‘Navel String’ Tree Planting Project Launch

The SCJH officially launched its ‘Navel String’ Tree Planting Project on Tuesday, February 17, 2015. The launch of this project took the form of an opening ceremony held at the National Water Commission’s Artificial Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Facility located on Old Harbour Road, St. Catherine. The opening ceremony culminated with the planting of a number of trees.
The tree-planting initiative was hosted by Minister of Agriculture, Labour and Social Security, Honourable Derrick Kellier and Chairman of the SCJH’s Board of Directors, Mrs Donna Scott-Mottley. In attendance were several government ministries and agencies and neighbouring schools such as the Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries (MOA), Forestry Department, Ministry of Local Government and Community Development, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Water, Land, Environment and Climate Change, Social Development Commission (SDC), National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA), Jamaica 4-H Clubs, McCook Primary School and the Innswood High School.
The images captured during the launch, may be viewed below: